Run! Gulliver!
Entertainment / 1996 - 2005
Two guests are invited to the show each time. They both play a game which determines the fate of their journey: the winner, "the KING," goes on a luxurious trip, while the loser, "GULLIVER," has to go on a backpacking type of trip. They both head toward the same destination, but one is lucky enough to receive all the gorgeous services, while the other takes a poor, difficult path. What makes this show fun to watch is this humorous contrast. Luxurious journeys are breathtaking-first class hotels and the best food one can taste in the area; on the other hand, watching GULLIVER on a hard yet homely trip, is very hartwarming, with akk the interatctions through meeting new people. You can enjoy two types of journeys at the same time.
Genre | game, travel, food |
Time Slot | Weekend Afternoon / Prime Time |
Frequency | Weekly |
Credit | ©KANSAI TV |